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Just one shot !!

Just one shot !!

I get up early, like to quickly shower, brush my teeth and then get back to bed in order to write my blog, I like to feel fresh, it is somewhat an obsession, whereby I meet my oldest often in de shower, having all kind of discussions. At this moment quite often about...
How I met Vincienzo di Cesare

How I met Vincienzo di Cesare

From my tender age of 17 and a month, I have lived on my own, supporting myself by having multiple jobs and even trying to finish my studies. Though I have never been a studyhead, I somehow managed through the years to pick up quite a few languages, which I seem to...
Kopen op afspraak 4 uur van te voren

Kopen op afspraak 4 uur van te voren

Dit kunnen alleen maar mannen verzinnen, of pure internet kopers, maar de rest van ons, ik gok ruim 75% wil gewoon dat je de Action opengooit, zodat je max 15 minuten helemaal je mand mag volstouwen met allemaal zooi die je never en nooit niet nodig hebt maar dan toch...

Working the buses!

Somewhere end of the 70s, I lived in London working on an antique bus trying to get Punters (possible buyers)  to the Army and Navy stores in Victoria. We used to go along Trafalquar Square and have lunch at the Whitehall Theater. One of the first days I was there, I...