When I grew up, in the late fifties, there were a lot of unspoken codes, loads of taboos, especially for women, but slowly in the 1960’s, these taboos stopped, changed, or were even eradicated, women were slowly but steadily showing that they could handle power and...
Friday was a slow day, I had to finish quite a few chores whom I left far too long, so I did some washing, dishwashing, bought some tubes in order to improve my kitchen, silly things that had to be done, but are utterly boring.. My plan was to go to a big store in...
Mijn jongste woont met zijn vrouw, mijn kleinzoon van 4 en zijn zusje van 10 maanden in een klein dorp nabij Stuttgart, zo’n dorp waar iedereen elkaar kent en waar ik word herkend als de moeder en oma van… Mijn kleinzoon vindt dat hij alles zelf kan….. dus als ze een...
Wij Nederlanders zijn er O zo trots op dat we zo super schoon zijn, maar in mijn reizen heb ik gemerkt dat we steeds verder gaan achterlopen en onze reputatie voor hygiene in werkelijkheid een aanfluiting is. Kort geleden kwam ik ergens een artikel tegen dat de...
Ik sta in Echt, vlak naast de Jumbo, geheel uit de loop van het parkeerterrein. Ik val zo niemand lastig, daar hou ik van! Toch is het opvallend hoeveel nieuwsgierigen dan toch om je camper heen moeten rijden… maar allaah, het is Limburg. Ik ga vandaag lekker...
Though I have had my licence almost fifty years, it is only the last 7/8 years I am driving a camper. First because my dad needed someone who spoke French and could drive, to come along to say goodbye to loads of places he had been to with my mum, who unfortunately...
So you travel a lot? You must meet an awful lot of people? is a weird conception in this day and age. Because the minute you step into any bus, train, metro or other form of public transport, you will mostly be confronted by people staring at their litlle screen,...
Ergens langs de lijn vroeg een nieuwe solo camperrijder of het niet eng was om met zo’n groot ding te rijden… Euhh ja, eigenlijk wel, maar ik heb les gehad van mijn vader en die kwakte zijn auto, vrachtwagen, bus overal tussen en leerde mij dat andere mensen meer...
Growing old is a pest, especially in todays world, because instead of caring for old people, we barely touch or listen to them. Which is actually a shame, because I think as an older person myself, I think we have lots more to offer than sitting in a chair, waiting to...
Being what I was, I have seen loads of people saying goodbye to their relationships and their partner and the weird things is, that it is often the women who finally have enough and do not want to be in the relation anymore and as a woman I get that. Mostly women have...
Being what I was, I have seen loads of people saying goodbye to their relationships and their partner and the weird things is, that it is often the women who finally have enough and do not want to be in the relation anymore and as a woman I get that. Mostly women have...