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So I love driving in my car, but like most people I also enjoy company, so if I have to go somewhere, I love it if someone comes with me.. But of course this is not always possible because all of us seem to have really intense lifestyles, so none of us can talk these days for an hour with their friends, that is, till they invented bluetooth etc.

Since that is freely available I have had it installed in the different cars we have had, so you can have those long conversation(s) with your friends, while you are driving from A to B. Luckily the other side of my phonecalls have a similar contraption, so they can just get on with their work, while talking to you.

Thanks to these brilliant and safe solutions, I realised yesterday that I have had my best friend for the most part of 50 years now, we became friends at the tender age of 14, which is according to my doctor somewhere near my boyfriends age (it is not, but hey I can take a joke).

We met at a really posh school where neither she nor I, did fit in. She already had her own inimitable style, I just threw on whatever lay nearest to me, I style I still somehow follow..

Although we had the same age, well actually it is also a long standing joke that she is older for about 7 weeks and I take great advantage for those seven weeks, teasing her that she is at least one number older… I must be honest, she is lots and loads wiser than I am!

So we are the same age, but she was in her rightful class and I had been set a year back due to the fact that I could not concentrate etc. But somehow we found eachother at this posh school.

And although we have had years without eachother, with her living in Italy, Spain or Portugal and me living in the UK, Monaco, France and Spain, we were never at the same place, at the same time…

But somehow, through my mother no less,  we found each other again about 35 years ago and since then we talk often and mostly when I am in the car and she is at home cooking brilliant meals while keeping the family together.

We are nothing like each other, we differ on loads of things, but we like each other, she is my besty and I know she has always got some time to talk and lots of understanding how our life are.

As a matter of fact, I think she knows all my secret thoughts and then some!

And she loves Cats and Dogs as much as I do.

So I love it when I am driving in my car and I call her and she responds on the phone with: jaaah, never fails to make me happy to have such a good friend and then we talk, we get interrupted by phone calls and we recall each other, tillone of us, mostly me are at the destination of home, “Honey I am home!” is in the most cases our goodbye yell.

Today she is ill and because she is rather asthmatic I am quite worried about her: “are you going to do the test, you sound bloody awful!”, you know what,  I will come over this afternoon and take you there..

My Alice does not live next door, she lives about an hour away near my former home, I lived in Kortenhoef and she lived and lives in Hilversum, but after all the good advice and all the fantastic recipes it is a little thing to do for me. But no, my Alice is also very independent and she will manage, eventhough presently she can not even find her way back downstairs..

Let alone to go to some testing facililty. I explain to her that since I have had Covid already, I am supposedly germ free already for 2 weeks and at least another 6 weeks free from catching it or even transporting it to others, so I am the ideal partner to bring her to the testing street…  But madam says no, and I have learned that she also knows what she does and does not want.

You see loads of you might have an Alexa or Siri, but my Alice is the ultimate in advice. Standing in the supermarket and trying to impress my boyfriend, I call Alice: “what the hell am I suppose to cook, which impresses even someone from the India but is within my cooking limits…?”

And then comes out the brilliance of Alice, first she boosts my self confidence, something all those machines will never do, and then she starts shooting off suggestions, by asking the most brilliant question, which I of course forgot to ask: what does he like….?

Ahhh my brilliant Alice!!

Alice is also brilliant at finding fantastic pieces of design furniture, she should have been an interior decorator because she has also got immaculate taste, but life took a different turn.

Quite a loss for society but a gain for her inner circle because we get the most gorgeous presents every so often, we never dare to expect!

But now my Alice is ill and not answering either phone and I am truly worried, so I have two choices, I am going over or call one of my many cousins whom I have not met since the age of 16 and ask if they can just pop over one street away…

Or I can just wait till after 12 am and if she has not yet reacted on my article, I will have to come over, because my Alice is very dear to my heart!

Have a great day and stay safe !